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No-Code: Faster Development, Scalability, Leverage
No-Code ➡ Low-Code ➡ Code — New businesses will follow this path. Mature companies will have all three.
Dru Riley • No-Code: Faster Development, Scalability, Leverage
No-Code will become a gateway drug for makers to start coding.
Dru Riley • No-Code: Faster Development, Scalability, Leverage
I wrote Million Dollar No Code Businesses to dismiss this. It doesn’t matter what we think because it has already happened.
Dru Riley • No-Code: Faster Development, Scalability, Leverage
“You can’t build a business on no-code.”
Dru Riley • No-Code: Faster Development, Scalability, Leverage
“No-Code can’t scale.”
Dru Riley • No-Code: Faster Development, Scalability, Leverage
Most no-code tools can scale but it doesn’t matter. Scaling isn’t the hard part. Traction is. Once you validate demand, I’ll come scale it for you. 💰👀