New Decade, New Ideas

for months, my target was to build an audience.
now, my target is to feed my curiosity and share ideas.

A decade ago, I was only a couple of years into my venture career. I believed that growth and progress were synonymous – in an industry where scale was the ultimate target, platforms that achieved it were glorified. A decade later, I have learned that success is more nuanced, and we have to take accountability for the outcomes we encourage. New dom... See more
Mario Gabriele • Modern Meditations: Rebecca Kaden (Union Square Ventures)

None of these paths is at all appealing to me personally. Instead, the path I’m opting into is one where we evolve with change rather than fight it, while holding onto and manifesting the values that are most core to who we are.
This is the spirit behind Metalabel — an operating system for groups of creative people to release work together
... See moreYancey Strickler • The old shit doesn't work anymore
But now that our medium can handle far more ideas and information, and now that it is a connective medium (ideas to ideas, people to ideas, people to people), our strategy is changing. And that is changing the very shape of knowledge.
David Weinberger • Too Big to Know
The Evolution of Social Media: Splitting Into Social and Media
Rex Woodburydigitalnative.substack.com