
The four wishes are for others and ourselves to be “safe, healthy, happy, and at ease.”
Rick Hanson • Neurodharma
Wise speech is well intended, true, beneficial, not harsh, timely, and, ideally, wanted. • Wise action avoids killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, and using intoxicants. • Wise livelihood avoids commerce in weapons, human trafficking, meat, intoxicants, and poisons.
Rick Hanson • Neurodharma
resting in fullness is about developing a bone-deep sense of peacefulness, contentment, and love—no small thing in itself—which
Rick Hanson • Neurodharma
This is healthy desire in a nutshell: pursuing beneficial ends with skillful means while being at peace with whatever happens.
Rick Hanson • Neurodharma
These three kinds of meditation—focused attention, open awareness, abiding as awareness—form a natural sequence.
Rick Hanson • Neurodharma
It’s really useful to be interested in how you make your own suffering.
Rick Hanson • Neurodharma
The painful residues of events can get caught in the nets of emotional memory, but without context and perspective. The conscious mind may forget, but as Babette Rothschild wrote, the body remembers.