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Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
6. Status symbols
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
You already see this with airdrops of new crypto network tokens to existing holders of Bitcoin or Ethereum holders, people who are most likely already wealthy. They are given free tokens with the hope they will bond to the new crypto project. This is a network bonding curve at work even though it’s still blunt today...The visibility and measuring o... See more
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
Now that we can start to measure the value that each node adds to a network, those nodes will begin to demand greater compensation for bonding to it. The concept of each node getting compensated for its worth to the network will eventually be built into every piece of software that is engaged in building a network effect.
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
8. Some voting and/or decision making, ability to edit/change
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
We believe that all companies with network effects will have tokens in the next five years to help them bond nodes to their networks, both their product network and their company network.
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
9. Premier software features
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
14. Tokens (fungible)
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
11. Real world perks like dinner/tickets to the ball game
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
Types of Compensation for Bonding
James Currier • Network Bonding Theory: Grow Your Startup By Making It A Network
In the past, we only had cash and stock as ways of approximating a node’s value to the network. Those were such blunt tools, so the idea of more closely approximating your network value to your actual compensation rarely came up. But now we have crypto. And that mechanism allows us to measure cheaply and discreetly.