Necessary Conversation with Gretchen Spreitzer- Thriving at Work
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Necessary Conversation with Gretchen Spreitzer- Thriving at Work
Saved by Jay Matthews
Mary Martin and added
To improve the quality of life through work, two complementary strategies are necessary. On the one hand jobs should be redesigned so that they resemble as closely as possible flow activities—as do hunting, cottage weaving, and surgery. But it will also be necessary to help people develop autotelic personalities like those of Serafina, Joe, and Tin
... See moreKeely Adler added
For me, some of my favorite questions include: What matters? Why do we work? What is the “good life”? What holds people back from change? How do we find work that brings us alive?
Lael Johnson and added
Keely Adler and added
Emilie Kormienko added
sari added