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Narrative Slipstream Effects
I suspect we may be on the verge of an antiflock era of history now, at all levels.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
But at the grand narrative level, everybody is getting off the big turnpike, and there is not going to be a grand narrative slipstream for a while. But smaller scale narrative slipstreams — from family to city-scale — may still be viable.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
Being in the formation need not actually be better than going off solo. It must only seem that way. Weaker classes must view exit as a worse option, whether or not it is actually worse... You don’t need TINA (There Is No Alternative), you only need belief in TINA.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
The story ends when enough people stop believing in it, not when the opportunity space actually dries up.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
The antithesis is that collectivist coordination is its own reward; that we “formation fly” because we simply like mutuality and interdependence more than isolation and independence, and any collectivizable rewards for doing so are simply gravy.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
When you look around at all the major candidates for wealth-production frontiers today — blockchains, AI, biotech, renewables — none of them seems capable of producing enough of a grand narrative slipstream to bind today’s complex and large modern societies. So I have to conclude that we’re in for a great deal of antiflocking and divergence.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
In societies, unlike in goose or vehicle formations, there’s no natural or designed rotation in the higher-energy-cost leader position. Instead, you have dissipative generational wealth-transfer mechanisms, and slow social churn and vertical mobility “rotating” the formation.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
The opportunity space must be somewhat legible, and seen to be correlated enough to inspire cooperation, but if you can see it too clearly, and especially see its limits too clearly, cooperation will break down. At the edges of visibility the opportunity space must dissolve into myth.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
There is a case that could be made here that history is in fact a series of convergences and divergences driven by the rise and fall of correlated opportunities on wealth frontiers. That the only reason we ever coordinate enough to form societies is to go after such frontiers, and that otherwise we’re not actually a very social species.
Venkatesh Rao • Narrative Slipstream Effects
These examples suggest that a grand narrative produces a slipstream capable of sustaining cohesion in large societies if it satisfies the following conditions:
- It produces benefits today
- It promises an afterlife where heaven >> hell
- There is a consolation prize even if we don’t get to heaven