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Mirror, DAOs, and the Exclusivity Problem - Decrypt
All of this is not to detract from Mirror's inventive model. And building these communities the right way is hard. The platform is clean and easy to use, and the idea of "Medium, but make it crypto" is appealing to everyone in cryptoland who believes Web 3.0 models can help fix the existing broken monetization system for digital content.
Decrypt • Mirror, DAOs, and the Exclusivity Problem - Decrypt
Mirror started to look like yet another crypto project that claimed to be democratizing something through decentralization, but was actually exacerbating, as Will Gottsegen cleverly put it, a sort of "clout inequality," elevating the cool kids of crypto above others.
Decrypt • Mirror, DAOs, and the Exclusivity Problem - Decrypt
In late September, Mirror introduced a separate race for projects that have their own token, and it switched to "quadratic voting," which balances out for whales and attempts to reward regular people who get votes from the broader community. But a new problem emerged: bots were flooding in and influencing the results.