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Metamodern Futures: Prescriptions for Metamodern Foresight
This new collective value system is apparent by looking at several intersecting trends: new cultural, spiritual, political, scientific, and social movements which point to a neo-romantic, post-ideological, open source, globally responsive, and paradox resolving grand narrative
Alex Fergnani • Metamodern Futures: Prescriptions for Metamodern Foresight
Amidst these many “candidates” to transcend modernity and postmodernity, what perhaps distinguishes metamodernism the most regardless of its different schools of thought within it, is its emphasis on an emerging or newly born collective sensibility or “feelings’’ pointing towards a new cultural milieu which reflects the current late stage of global
... See moreAlex Fergnani • Metamodern Futures: Prescriptions for Metamodern Foresight
owing to the fact that behind the many interconnected problems of the metacrisis there is a deep ideological problem (i.e., a lack of unified narrative), metamodernism can be defined as a new collective value system1 that incorporates, contextualizes and transcends all previous value systems while resolving the conflict between them in an integrate
... See moreAlex Fergnani • Metamodern Futures: Prescriptions for Metamodern Foresight
Also above and beyond other “candidates” – and in line with futures studies - metamodernism promotes an anticipatory and proactive thinking about alternative futures (Baciu et al., 2015), and is interested to convey a newly born optimist metanarrative that would unite and reconstruct the broken identity pieces after postmodernism (Abramson, 2015b).
... See moreAlex Fergnani • Metamodern Futures: Prescriptions for Metamodern Foresight
Metamodernism is thus also more optimistic than modernism as it strives to go beyond its shortcomings, and thus inherently more optimistic than postmodernism, which lacks faith in modernity and its metanarrative of progress.
Alex Fergnani • Metamodern Futures: Prescriptions for Metamodern Foresight
Indeed, even if one could apply the notion of oscillation between
polarized features proffered by current political ideologies, a normative choice to affirm a paradigmatic project beyond such oscillation is more advisable. This normativity is rooted in compassion, care, cohesion, solidarity, social responsibility, universal healthcare and education,
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