Magic 8 Ball Mind

As I’ve learned to let go of my prior fixation with outcomes, I’ve found myself more inclined to explore and play, and in this is another lesson: play does not imply lack of purpose. Quite the opposite, it honors the most meaningful kind of purpose: that which arises from process. We don’t find meaning, we make it.
When we... See more
Rebecca • [BIFFS vol. 1] Rest does not require artifacts
Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals
Presumably every new parent, arriving home from the hospital to face the reality of their incompetence in the matter of child-rearing, feels some desire to spend their time as wisely as possible—first to keep the squirming bundle alive, and then to do whatever they can to lay the foundations for a happy future.
Oliver Burkeman • Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals
Seeking reassurance during that first year of parenting two, I turned to the work of the pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott. He is perhaps best known for his concept of the “good-enough mother,” the caregiver who, through sometimes failing and frustrating their child, ultimately facilitates the development of the child’s ability to co
... See moreJessie Munton • Slaves to Love | The Point Magazine
Our relationship to children

My children were leading me back to the world of childhood. They demanded new ways of being. Silliness. Cuddles. Repetition. Echoes. Some of it was painful and boring, some of it was magical. Spontaneity and surprise were key attributes of these babies’ employees. They had no time for self-doubt. They were exactly who they wanted to be. They wanted
... See moreLucy Jones • Matrescence
In trying to process it, I wonder why I’ve felt such inner resistance to accepting that anything I do as a mother might actually be a page in a book. And really, it doesn’t take long to connect that feeling to the fact that in popular culture, at least in America for the past forever