Magic 8 Ball Mind

The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problem
Julie Phillips • 2 highlights
Nonetheless, I still find myself longing for more time, and dreaming fondly of my life as it existed three or four years ago. It simply had so much space in it. Time that made it easy to fill so many different buckets in my life. Now I fill each bucket knowing that it means that another two will stay dry. The good news is that I imagine things will
... See moreWill Larson • Time and energy.
At first I felt overwhelmed and anxious about the situation. I started to feel like the constraints of fatherhood would hold me back. Every minute that I was spending on my kids was another minute that I wasn’t working, after all.
But in product design we actually use constraints to come up with creative solutions. So I started to work within the co
... See moreSeliria • Productivity for Parents
But just as surely, another part of me wanted to manage the threat of his potential independence by subsuming him into myself. It was tempting to treat the baby as a prop for my own narratives of motherhood rather than as an independent person in his own right. But babies give no quarter to our preconceived ideas of what mothering them
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