Listen To Yourself - Calligraphy – Parallax Press
Listening for the call is easy, but only if you know what you’re trying to hear. Is it the murmur of the crowd—your parents, your peers, the tired cultural narrative as a whole? No. It’s that quiet voice inside. Your intuition, your heart. You know the difference.
Chase Jarvis • Creative Calling: Establish a Daily Practice, Infuse Your World with Meaning, and Succeed in Work + Life
soul. If you attend to your self and seek to come into your own presence, you will find exactly the right rhythm for your life. The senses are generous pathways which can bring you home.
John O'Donohue • Anam Cara: 25th Anniversary Edition
Give yourself the opportunity of silence and begin to develop your listening in order to hear, deep within yourself, the music of your own spirit. —John O’Donohue
Caren Albers • Happiness Junkie: A 12 Step Program to Find Inner Peace and Change Your Life
Just as outer voices can lead you away from the well of your own selfhood, they also have the capacity to usher you into new depths of it. And if practiced right, your calling into selfhood may enhance the sound of self in someone else.