Life on Life
Take the story into your story through prayer:
- What can I pray for my own life from what this text teaches?
- What can I pray for another's life from what this text teaches?
Harp from BetterMan • Life on Life
Ever prayed scripture? Great prompts for praying through the scripture being considered and discussed so it is personalized.
Discipleship is not a destination; it is a direction. When you are in a discipling relationship, y'all are headed towards King Jesus. As you journey towards Jesus, the objective(s) is simple:
Grow in knowledge of God/Jesus.
Grow in obedience to God/Jesus.
Grow in love for God/Jesus.
Harp from BetterMan • Life on Life
I really like this description of discipleship and objectives listed.
Application: In your discipling relationship(s), you should read philosophical/theological stimulating books together. I recommend a new read every 6-8 weeks. A few I would recommend:
Harp from BetterMan • Life on Life
Excellent list of books. I have read quite a few on the list. Most recently, I just finished [[A Tale of Three Kings]]. It was a quick, fantastic read around the story of Saul, David, and Absalom.