Library Tourism - Austin Kleon

To get the most out of third places, you’ve got to find one you enjoy frequenting. Mine your interests, Littman says, to discover a location that fulfills your needs. For instance, if you love books but don’t necessarily want to discuss them with others, find a bar or café that offers silent reading nights for people who want to read communally. Se... See more
Allie Volpe • If You Want to Belong, Find a Third Place
Libraries in the Digital Age: A Case Study in Equipping Librarians with the Tools of Idea Management - Forte Labs
Tiago Fortefortelabs.com
Public libraries are often seen as “opportunity institutions,” opening doors to, and for, the disenfranchised.
Shannon Mattern • Library as Infrastructure

The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community
The Steal Like An Artist Audio Trilogy - Austin Kleon
When the traveler wants a big experience, he goes to a big city to see big things. But when he wants an “ authentic” experience, he must eschew the most well-trodden places, possibly the cities themselves, to find it. He must seek out places that have not yet been touched by “tourism”, he must find the people and places that still have remoteness —... See more