Twitter is the public war zone; it is the new parliament where ideas are shared and challenged, and it’s actually upstream of governments. You can learn a lot from Twitter by following interesting people and accounts, but it is easy to overdose on the serendipity of it
Have a vector that orients your time, attention, and energy towards achieving your goal, and allow for subroutines to develop off of that vector that get you closer to your goal
Design an information diet like you would design your diet with food: this information is good, this information is bad, don’t consume this type of information, only consume this type of media during this specific time of day, etc.
Media sites like Reddit, Twitter, and HackerNews are entropic, optimized for novelty, and “random”: the user is pulled into several different directions that limit their ability to progress at any one thing
Entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk use a single unifying principle for decision-making Jeff Bezos: “Does this make the customer experience better?” Elon Musk: “Does this help us get to Mars?”
Balaji thinks a “personal dashboard” will replace the daily newspaper - It will contain personal information on your fitness, diet, sleep, and family information like what your kids need that day, that month, etc.