Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
To value the uniqueness of another person—how they differ from us—is a very mature position to take.
Mark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
God knows that the key to unlocking the potential in a man is to treat that man with unconditional respect, long before he deserves it.
Mark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
men and women communicate in their own unique codes. It is very easy for us to misunderstand each other unless we take time to learn each other’s codes. Men are literal; women are more emotive—they want to communicate emotions rather than facts. Men are direct; women are indirect.
Mark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
In order to cultivate a successful, long-term relationship, you have to learn how to cultivate a genuine desire for each other, and desire has to be constantly rekindled. I’m not talking about sexual desire, though that is included; I’m talking about the spark that affirms in your gut, I want to be with that person for the rest of my life.
Mark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
Wrong thinking always produces bad results; and whenever your expectations are one place and your experience is somewhere else, you start to experience an emotional meltdown.
Mark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
Though women have an amazing capacity to “read between the lines” during communication, they are not always right. Jesus warned about judgment. Judging occurs when someone does something and you don’t know why but you decide to assign a motive to it anyway. Rather than jumping to unnecessary and unproductive conclusions, women need to work on under
... See moreMark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
One of the most intimacy-enhancing activities you can do in a marriage is talk. For most men, the kind of intimacy they are looking for is sexual intimacy. What they fail to realize is that one of the keys to sexual intimacy with a woman is something most guys would never think of: talking. Guys, we need to talk more and learn to listen better. New
... See moreMark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
when a husband and wife engage in sexual love, they leave themselves in a trajectory of ecstasy—to a place where they are no longer in control of themselves. In this act, a couple becomes completely vulnerable, open, and yielded to each other. In this act of ecstasy, they lose themselves in each other in a way they would never dare to do in any oth
... See moreMark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
Just as there are laws of physics that affect everyone regardless of who they are or what they believe, there are also laws of marriage physics. Sadly, people keep breaking all the laws and then are stunned by the fact that their marriage stinks.
Mark Gungor • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage: Unlocking the Secrets to Life, Love and Marriage
Guys, why don’t you take the kids for a while and let them peel your brain like a banana and let your wife take a rest? Then, why don’t you make dinner for her or take her out? Look, if you deal with numbers one and two, it will help you get to her number three a lot easier.