Known and Strange Things
Authorship, after all, is not only what is created but also what is selected.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
“The photograph isn’t what was photographed, it’s something else,” Garry Winogrand once said. “It’s about transformation.” The photographic image is a fiction created by a combination of lenses, cameras, film, pixels, color (or its absence), time of day, season.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
objects are reservoirs of specific personal experience, filled with the hours of some person’s life.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
The camera is an instrument of transformation. It can make what it sees more beautiful, more gruesome, milder, darker, all the while insisting on the plain reality of its depiction.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
Even when the end is certain, the days must be lived, and little can be done to hurry things along.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
For years now, when I cannot sleep, I rise from bed and watch Jacques Derrida talk. I watch what he said sometime in the late 1990s. Each time that I write something, he said, and it feels like I’m advancing into new territory (he demonstrates “advance” with his left hand), somewhere I haven’t been before, and this type of advance often demands cer
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The images with which Tranströmer charges his poems bring to mind the concept of acheiropoieta, “making without hands”; in Byzantine art, acheiropoietic images were those believed to have come miraculously into being without a painter’s intervention. The Shroud of Turin and the Veil of Veronica are the most famous examples.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
Fernweh is a longing to be away from home, a desire to be in faraway places. Fernweh is similar to wanderlust but, like heimweh, has a sickish, melancholy tinge.
Teju Cole • Known and Strange Things
In witnessing something far-fetched, something brought out before us from the distant perimeter of human experience, we are in some way fortified for our own inevitable, if lesser, struggles.