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Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
If you want to change your life, change what you pay attention to.
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
Like a tree, creative work has seasons. Part of the work is to know which season you’re in, and act accordingly. In winter, “the tree looks dead, but we know it is beginning a very deep process, out of which will come spring and summer.”
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
Rather than restricting your freedom, a routine gives you freedom by protecting you from the ups and downs of life and helping you take advantage of your limited time, energy, and talent. A routine establishes good habits that can lead to your best work.
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
“Suckcess” is what poet Jean Cocteau was referring to when he said, “There is a kind of success worse than failure.”
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
Your attention is one of the most valuable things you possess, which is why everyone wants to steal it from you. First you must protect it, and then you must point it in the right direction.
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
Let go of the thing that you’re trying to be (the noun), and focus on the actual work you need to be doing (the verb). Doing the verb will take you someplace further and far more interesting.
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
We have so little control over our lives. The only thing we can really control is what we spend our days on. What we work on and how hard we work on it.
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
Writer Steven Johnson does this in a single document he calls a “spark file”—every time he has an idea, he adds it to the file, and then he revisits the list every couple of months.
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
Some of my favorite artists make “to-draw” lists. David Shrigley will make a huge list of fifty things to draw a week in advance. Having the list means he doesn’t have to waste studio time worrying about what to make. “The simple thing I’ve learned over the years is just to have a starting point and once you have a starting point the work seems to ... See more
Austin Kleon • Keep Going: a book by Austin Kleon
One of the easiest ways to hate something you love is to turn it into your job: taking the thing that keeps you alive spiritually and turning it into the thing that keeps you alive literally.