Saved by Jonathan Simcoe and
Jurassic Park: A Novel
“Well, Mandelbrot found a remarkable thing with his geometric tools. He found that things looked almost identical at different scales.”
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
There is no humility before nature. There is only a get-rich-quick, make-a-name-for-yourself-fast philosophy. Cheat, lie, falsify—it doesn’t matter. Not to you, or to your colleagues. No one will criticize you. No one has any standards. They are all trying to do the same thing: to do something big, and do it fast.
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
“At the earliest drawings of the fractal curve, few clues to the underlying mathematical structure will be seen.” IAN MALCOLM
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
But I notice nobody is willing to listen to the consequences of the mathematics. Because they imply very large consequences for human life. Much larger than Heisenberg’s principle or Gödel’s theorem, which everybody rattles on about. Those are actually rather academic considerations. Philosophical considerations. But chaos theory concerns everyday
... See moreMichael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
“I will tell you what I am talking about,” he said. “Most kinds of power require a substantial sacrifice by whoever wants the power. There is an apprenticeship, a discipline lasting many years. Whatever kind of power you want. President of the company. Black belt in karate. Spiritual guru. Whatever it is you seek, you have to put in the time, the p
... See moreMichael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
The idea of living creatures being numbered like software, being subject to updates and revisions, troubled Grant. He could not exactly say why—it was too new a thought—but he was instinctively uneasy about it. They were, after all, living creatures.…
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought.”
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
Your powers are much less than your dreams of reason would have you believe.”
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
Linearity is an artificial way of viewing the world. Real life isn’t a series of interconnected events occurring one after another like beads strung on a necklace.
Michael Crichton • Jurassic Park: A Novel
He imagines that nature is beyond him. Beyond his understanding. Beyond his control. Maybe he prays to nature, to the fertility of the forest that provides for him. He prays because he knows he doesn’t control it. He’s at the mercy of it.