James Carse • Finite and Infinite Games Quotes by James P. Carse
Saved by Alex Dobrenko and
“It is a highly valued function of society to prevent changes in the rules of the many games it embraces... Deviancy, however, is the very essence of culture.
Saved by Alex Dobrenko and
It is necessary to share meaning. A society is a link of relationships among people and institutions, so that we can live together. But it only works if we have a culture — which implies that we share meaning; i.e., significance, purpose, and value. Otherwise it falls apart. Our society is incoherent, and doesn’t do that very well; it hasn’t for a... See more
Culture is a way of getting people to that point of understanding. The work of a lot of modern culture is to say to people: You’re making value.
After all, the point of culture is often less the content than the sharing of the content. Entire communities, substantial, lasting communities, spring up from shared shows to say nothing of the tribal pleasures of shared lifestyle. The failure of sharing comes from a failure of culture and that makes culture a problem.
The French sociologist Roger Caillois, author of Man, Play, and Games, believed that games carried clues to the basic character of a culture.34 “It is not absurd to try diagnosing a civilization in terms of the games that are especially popular there,” he wrote in 1958. Caillois argued that one could make a cultural diagnosis by examining games’ co
... See morecuriosity is deviant.