• from A Time to Build Tight Brands in the Chaos of Loose Cultures by Jasmine Bina

    Keely Adler added

  • from The Rise of Dissociation Music by Jayson Greene

    Keely Adler added

  • from Vol.17: Victoria Buchanan: Surrealism, World Saving Luxury + Fractional Work by Victoria Buchanan

    Keely Adler and added

  • from ‘What’s the point?’ syndrome, and why we all feel so disconnected right now by marie-claire chappet

    Keely Adler added

  • Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley

    by Antonio Garcia Martinez

    1 highlight

    Cover of Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley
  • from The Upheaval by N.S. Lyons

    Tom White added

  • from The garden of forking memes: how digital media distorts our sense of time by Aaron Z. Lewis

    Sixian added

  • Agalia Tan added