• from fastcompany.com by Mark Wilson

    Keely Adler added

  • fastcompany.com

    by Mark Wilson

    5 highlights

    Thumbnail of fastcompany.com

    Keely Adler added

  • 🌿 Tend to Your Digital Gardens: Flowers, Weeds, and All

    by Annika Hansteen-Izora

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of 🌿 Tend to Your Digital Gardens: Flowers, Weeds, and All

    Danielle Vermeer and added

  • from On Digital Gardens: Tending to Our Collective Multiplicity

    sari and added

  • from Opinion | the Great Delusion Behind Twitter - The New York Times by New York Times

    sari added

  • A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden

    by Maggie Appleton 🧭

    16 highlights

    Thumbnail of A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden

    sari and added

  • On Digital Gardens: Tending to Our Collective Multiplicity

    by Deem

    9 highlights

    Thumbnail of On Digital Gardens: Tending to Our Collective Multiplicity

    sari and added

  • from Are.na Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online – ZORA ZINE

    Alex Dobrenko added