Saved by sari
Is notion underrated?

The knowledge worker’s productivity stack is increasingly fragmented. The familiar story of all data infrastructure companies, “Your data is everywhere, get easy access to it all in one place with our tool” holds additional weight for Notion. Notion is essentially a highly abstracted no-code tool. It has created a series of highly artistic, unusual... See more
Evan Armstrong • How Do You Compete with Free? Notion: the embattled artist
Tools like Notion let you do pretty much anything but will require watching 17 YouTube tutorials, and paying $699 for a course to actually figure out how to do any of it.
Sublime is for people who value simplicity and a beautiful user experience above all else.
Sublime is for people who value simplicity and a beautiful user experience above all else.
Sari Azout • Problems Sublime Solves—at Least for Me
After many years of building and tens of millions of users, Notion now describes itself this way: “Every department’s work. In one tool.” You can almost feel their internal struggle with language—the search for the right words. How can you describe something that is genuinely novel? What happens when something is so fundamentally different th... See more
Josh Miller • "Disregard the Words"

An end of year present from Creative Quests