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Invest with Style -
The necessary conditions for investment excellence are having a high knowledge level, being up to date on the present state of the world, using a Bayesian process on every new piece of data, and accurately framing the four or five analytically bullish and bearish prisms through which we can look at the stock.
Gavin Baker • Security Error | Columbia Business School
Going against the grain takes courage, but that courage pays off. You’ll do better as an investor if you think for yourself and seek out bargains in parts of the market that everyone else has forsaken, rather than buying the flavor of the month in the financial press.
Pat Dorsey • The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to Building Wealth and Winning in the Market
When things are innovative, nobody really cares what they look like.
Invest like the Best • Gabriel Leydon - Designing Digital Economies - Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy
Understanding the meta is part of your job and integrating that with these timeless principles from Buffett is important.
Gavin Baker • Security Error | Columbia Business School
My friend and fellow value investor, Chris Browne, President of Tweedy Browne,describes what value investors do by telling this story. He was interviewing a new trader andafter the interview, walked them through the Tweedy Browne offices. At the elevator on theirway out, the trader commented, “At other Wall Street firms, just by walking through the... See more
Seth Klarman • Seth A. Klarman remarks at MIT
Almost everyone starts as a value investor. It’s funny, that's where Buffett started. And then Buffett in the early '90s became a growth investor. And so just be open-minded.
Gavin Baker • Security Error | Columbia Business School
The point, then, isn’t that you should watch less CNBC and read more Ben Graham. It’s that if you read more Ben Graham you’ll have an easier time understanding what you should or shouldn’t pay attention to on CNBC.
Morgan Housel • Expiring vs. Long-Term Knowledge
We are in the age of hyper-competition. Being a big spender is a seductive way to make you feel like you belong.