In view of these characteristics of social media, what does our frame captures? Some of it is the exceptional as news define it – but that’s only a one part. The rest is something else, but it is not Perec’s infra-ordinary. People often carefully construct their “ordinary” for Instagram. And they also do share what is exceptional to them: birthday ... See more
Introducing the book, Perec writes:
"Many, if not most, of these things have been described, inventoried, photographed, written about or itemized. My intention in the following pages was to describe what remains; that which we generally don’t notice, which doesn’t call attention to itself, which is of no importance: what happens when nothing happens... See more
"Many, if not most, of these things have been described, inventoried, photographed, written about or itemized. My intention in the following pages was to describe what remains; that which we generally don’t notice, which doesn’t call attention to itself, which is of no importance: what happens when nothing happens... See more
We can easily introduce new categories and subcategories – but we can’t describe what social media gives us with a single term. Often, it is more than unmediated everyday, but less than highly mediated news. Neither this nor that, but everything side-by-side. And it is this side-by-side which gives social media its uniqueness as genre of representa... See more
Over last ten years, the geometry of the cities did not change much, so it determines our movements as much as it did in the 1960s. But what did change is the presence and role of maps. Digital interactive maps are now built into tens of thousands of apps for mobile devices, and we use them daily. Looking and working with the geometry of the cities... See more
“What speaks to us, seemingly, is always the big event, the untoward, the extra-ordinary: the front-page splash, the banner headlines. Railway trains only begin to exist when they are derailed, and the more passengers that are killed, the more the trains exist... How should we take account of, question, describe what happens every day and recurs ev... See more
So in principle, our frame can capture the infra-ordinary along with the exceptional. So does it?
The metaphor of mining suggests that you recover what is valuable and discard the rest. But what if we reverse the procedure?
New medium of photography could in principle capture the “real” real, as opposed to types. But in its first decades first it was too slow and cumbersome for that. Eventually, it was artists rather than photographers or filmmakers who finally focused on making visible the everyday without generalizing, aestheticizing, or editing it: Andy Warhol’s Sc... See more
The metaphor of mining suggests that you recover what is valuable and discard the rest. But what if we reverse the procedure?
Another important difference from infra-ordinary is the tiny number of images people intentionally share per day.