• from Planet City -- a sci-fi vision of an astonishing regenerative future by TED

    Jay Matthews added

  • from Planet City -- a sci-fi vision of an astonishing regenerative future by TED

    Jay Matthews added

  • from You Are Here: A Brief Guide to the World by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

    Jay Matthews added

  • from A Global Push for More ‘15-Minute Cities’

    Laura Pike Seeley added

  • Planet City -- a sci-fi vision of an astonishing regenerative future

    2 highlights

    Jay Matthews and added

  • from There Are No Cars in Wakanda by Medium

    Keely Adler added

  • from tiny internets: sidewalks, geocaching, and more · tiny internets by Spencer Chang

    Tanuj added

  • from Why urban streets around the world are going car-free

    Laura Pike Seeley added