Imaginal Love

Edward Whitmont’s fine book The Symbolic Quest.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
Corbin pointedly says that the Aristotelian “logical universal” is nothing more than the dead body of an Angel.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
David Abram understands human language as an extension of the biological world from which we evolved.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
the creative and active Imagination. It is the exercise of this faculty, conceived not as a merely human attribute but as continuous with the creative power of the world, that provides the means by which the intensive self can escape from its prison and enter that wider, more-than-human world.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
In order to make in progress in any situation of conflict you have to be able to imagine, feel, intuit, and think your way into the position of the other person.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
Perhaps it is better to say that something has to become present.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
It presumes and mirrors one of the fundamental dichotomies that characterizes the Western rationalist world view ‒ that between thought and things.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
Knowledge, whether granted freely via Revelation or gained with the cooperation of human intellect, is a result of illumination from above, not the culmination of a process of abstraction, deduction, or induction from the “data” of sense perception.
Tom Cheetham • Imaginal Love
Corbin died in 1978, the year of Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution in Iran. I assume that Iranian unrest provides the context for Corbin’s remarks.