If you don’t have time to clean up, you don’t have time to cook
andrea added
seths.blogBritt Gage added
The truth is that if we stop doing chores, we have to do real work instead. The things that aren’t repeatable or proven. The things that are emotionally difficult, creatively challenging or simply requiring exploration and guts to pursue. If we succeed at this work, there will be plenty of money to pay to get the chores done.
Doing chores cheerfully and with skill is a fine hobby. But it might not be what you need to do right now.
James Clear • The Difference Between Professionals and Amateurs
Things I'm thinking about
sublimeinternet.substack.comRiko Ishibashi added
James Clear • Highlights From jamesclear.com
Isaac Feldman added
“DOING SOMETHING It is so much easier to not do something than to do something. Even the smallest task, like filling out a Scholastic Books order form or putting away the butter, requires time, focus, and follow-through. It’s astounding, actually, that anything gets done at all, by anyone. But then, let’s say you finally are prepared and determined
... See morephoebe added
When a person fails to begin a project that they care about, it’s typically due to either a) anxiety about their attempts not being “good enough” or b) confusion about what the first steps of the task are. Not laziness. In fact, procrastination is more likely when the task is meaningful and the individual cares about doing it well.
humanparts.medium.com • Laziness Does Not Exist. Psychological Research Is Clear: When… | by Devon Price | Human Parts
Daniel Wentsch added