Saved by Brian Sholis
Opinion | If I Get Canceled, Let Them Eat Me Alive (Published 2022)
* “You imagine that you are fighting against the mob, but actually you are becoming a part of it. Within the mob there is no justice and no argument and no reasoning, no space for inquiry or investigation. The only good move is not to play.”
New York Times • Opinion | If I Get Canceled, Let Them Eat Me Alive (Published 2022)
* “The goal of my public engagement is a certain kind of open-mindedness, and that becomes impossible when all you ever think about is one thing — even if you call that thing “freedom of speech” or “liberal tolerance” or, for that matter, “open-mindedness.””
New York Times • Opinion | If I Get Canceled, Let Them Eat Me Alive (Published 2022)
* “There was no “winning” this war; every act of defense and every show of loyalty served to keep the fight alive. This explains the curious fact that for all the fighting people do against cancellation, no cancelee ever vanquishes her cancelers.”