Ideas Aren’t Getting Harder to Find and Anyone Who Tells You Otherwise Is a Coward and I Will Fight Them
We can all agree that discovering fire was pretty rad. The first humans to do it probably spent a lot of time learning which kind of kindling was best, how to nurse a spark into a flame, and what sorts of fires were best for cooking vs. heating. They must have painstakingly passed this knowledge from generation to generation, and youngsters had to ... See more
Adam Mastroianni • Ideas Aren’t Getting Harder to Find and Anyone Who Tells You Otherwise Is a Coward and I Will Fight Them
To win one of these coveted positions, then, you need to do everything exactly right from your freshman year of high school onward: get good grades, garner strong recommendations, work in the right labs, publish papers in prestigious places, never make anybody mad, and never take a detour or a break. (I occasionally get emails from high schoolers b... See more