I prefer meaning to happiness: Peter Thiel
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I prefer meaning to happiness: Peter Thiel
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happiness less as a goal and more as a by-product of mastery and meaning.
While you want to see glimpses of progress and meaning in your work, you want to be focused more on the impact/meaning of your labor versus the labor itself.
Simon Sinek - Podcast - December 3, 2024 - “The Secret of Happiness”
Question the common belief that happiness is the primary purpose of life.
Consider instead that a life aimed at being useful—creating, helping others, and making a difference—could be more fulfilling and meaningful.
Darius Foroux via Glasp
In short, whereas the happy life is characterized by ease and pleasure, the meaningful life is characterized by generosity, deep engagement with difficult pursuits, and a coherent sense of how the self develops across time.
“People like you more when you are working towards something, not when you have it.” - Drake