I'm Hiring

A founding engineer to join Rostra and work with me on a novel tool for founders.
Like a Waymo, you will be fully self-driving. Like the media's portrayal of a Waymo, you will go through walls if that's the shortest path.
You will choose your own tools for the job, but experience with LLMs with tool use will help greatly, especially if it... See more
The most important role in a social network is the vibe designer, because the big questions are sociological, not technological.
sari azout • Things I'm Thinking About
ppl i'd hire | Are.na
Hire for a plan, not for a problem.
Erik Torenberg • Emil Michael (ex CBO at Uber)
Hey, as many of you know, I have been working on ______ for a long time. It’s a ______ that does ______ for ______. I could really use your help. If you’re in the media or have an audience or you have any ideas or connections or assets that might be valuable when I launch this thing, I would be eternally grateful. Just tell me who you are, what you
... See moreRyan Holiday • Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts
Hire managers of one
David Heinemeier Hansson • Rework
I need this job. Or more precisely, my landlord needs me to get this job.