Saved by sari
I don’t care what the AI wrote
You could see AI making an exact replica of The Room and it having none of the value, because it wasn't made by someone. Because there was no human-led deviation between what was attempted and what was made. That deviation, in art and in life, is what makes us so damn human.
Alex Dobrenko` • Will AI Replace the Artist?
Use the tools if you must. But a better use of your extra energy — such as it is — is to live the gap between human and AI. Can an AI gather, synthesize, calculate, and even speculate faster than we can? Yes. Can it do all those things better than we can? Maybe. Can it be more interesting, unexpected, artful, or meaningful? Well that’s just a matte... See more
As we digitize our interactions, the first thing to go are the herbs. We strip away anything that’s not obviously functional.
The first 100 interactions you have with an AI will leave you amazed, and then a bit empty.
And when a skilled user experience professional arrives, the first thing she does is add back the herbs. Tiny speed bumps, moments of
... See moreSeth Godin • Omitting the Herbs
A less cynical way to think about the postmodern tech revolution is that it hasn’t completely subsumed the real, brilliant, chaotic world, but merely emphasized it as vital and precious. Artificial intelligence, in my view, continues this tradition. The only singularity it can truly achieve is one that understands humanity at its most inhuman (and ... See more
Haley Nahman • #138: Do you pass the Turing test?
As the false output of artificial intelligence content generation gets mixed in with original human-generated content on the internet, the internet will become less and less useful. All the more so when intelligence agencies, corporations, governments, PR firms, and other propaganda actors us AI to deliberately seed the internet with false informat... See more