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Humans Are Underrated - Geoff Colvin
The key to differentiation lies entirely in the most deeply human realms of social interaction: understanding an irrational client, forming the emotional bonds needed to persuade that client to act rationally, rendering the sensing, feeling judgments that clients insist on getting from a human being.
Geoff Colvin • Humans Are Underrated - Geoff Colvin
the meaning of great performance has changed. It used to be that you had to be good at being machinelike. Now, increasingly, you have to be good at being a person. Great performance requires us to be intensely human beings.
Geoff Colvin • Humans Are Underrated - Geoff Colvin
There are problems that humans rather than computers will have to solve not because computers couldn’t eventually solve them, but because in real life, and especially in organizational life, we keep changing our conception of what the problem is and what our goals are
Geoff Colvin • Humans Are Underrated - Geoff Colvin
Empathy is the foundation of all the other abilities that increasingly make people valuable as technology advances.
Geoff Colvin • Humans Are Underrated - Geoff Colvin
As the two large technology trends of our era combine, as technology takes over more of our work while simultaneously changing us and the way we relate to one another, the people who master the human abilities that are fading all around us will be the most valuable people in our world.