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Human Values
A value is an aspiration. A virtue is a value in action. Values come from inside us and point our way, but the ultimate measure of our lives is the actions we take. We derive the most powerful sense of purpose when our values fuel behaviors that serve something beyond ourselves.
Tony Schwartz, Jean Gomes, Catherine McCarthy • The Way We're Working Isn't Working
My Personal Values
pyrite-sense-5f6.notion.siteValues are the fundamental beliefs that guide us, motivate us, and drive our actions. Values describe the qualities we want most to embody. They help us determine what is important, help us understand what we essentially align with…
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Sarah Drasner • Engineering Management for the Rest of Us
Joe Edelman • Not Found
It’s important for us to clarify our values because once we know what they are, we can make good use of them. We can use them as an “inner compass” to guide us through life and help us make wise choices and also as a source of energy and motivation to help us do more toward moves.
Russ Harris • The Happiness Trap
Knowledge — • How to Figure Out What to Do With Your Life
Well the purest way is the actually have and believe them yourself. Either through your life journey of experiences, or readings, or whatever. But if you want to actively pursue the discovery of alternative values, here is a non-exhaustive list of how to do so.
The antonym game. Taking the exercise I did of Apple previously, and defining the ... See more