Companies are built to be predictable and stable. That's a bad thing in today's world.

99% of leaders ruin their companies with this irreversible mistake:
They stick to their guns.
Great companies recognize when change is necessary for survival.
They recognize when market conditions change and adapt accordingly.
They're willing to sacrifice short-term profits for long-term success.
But too many companies are set in their ways.
Not because ... See more
They stick to their guns.
Great companies recognize when change is necessary for survival.
They recognize when market conditions change and adapt accordingly.
They're willing to sacrifice short-term profits for long-term success.
But too many companies are set in their ways.
Not because ... See more
One thing I’ve been talking a lot about with our engineering team is that usually your company’s plans and incentives and metrics structures aren’t built to stop things, or to stop and redo things. So if there is a need to pay down some technical debt or make a really hard call on stopping a project, you need a leadership voice, or even a CEO, to s
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