How we ship new features · Resend
What is our design process · Resend
resend.comWhat if we are forced to ship a full, completed (at least MVP) new feature, in just two weeks, that
delight and surprise some fraction of our customers
delight and surprise some fraction of our customers
Jason Cohen • Extreme brainstorming questions to trigger new, better ideas
Here is a simple process for shipping software projects that works. First, decompose the project into a stream1 of headlines. Then pick an aggressive date to ship the first headline and work like hell to meet that date. Have everyone work only on one headline at a time– the upcoming one. Ignore everything else. Don’t work on anything that doesn’t h... See more
Headline driven development - Slava Akhmechet
1. Shipping - The most basic need that a PM satisfies is shipping features. This involves day-to-day tackling of large and small decisions that block the successful release of a new feature.
Connie Kwan • Kwan’s Hierarchy of Product Needs: The Four Levels of Product Managers | Heavybit
The flow: Think It = figure out what type of product we are building and why. Build It = create a minimum viable product that is ready for real users. Ship It = gradually roll out to 100% of all users, while measuring and improving. Tweak It = Continuously improve the product. This isn't really an end state; the product stays in Tweak It until it i... See more