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How to Get Startup Ideas
When you have an idea for a startup, ask yourself: who wants this right now? Who wants this so much that they'll use it even when it's a crappy version one made by a two-person startup they've never heard of? If you can't answer that, the idea is probably bad.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
Work on hard problems, driven mainly by curiosity, but have a second self watching over your shoulder, taking note of gaps and anomalies.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
One good trick is to ask yourself whether in your previous job you ever found yourself saying "Why doesn't someone make x? If someone made x we'd buy it in a second." If you can think of any x people said that about, you probably have an idea. You know there's demand, and people don't say that about things that are impossible to build.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
The unsexy filter is similar to the schlep filter, except it keeps you from working on problems you despise rather than ones you fear.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
The very best startup ideas tend to have three things in common: they're something the founders themselves want, that they themselves can build, and that few others realize are worth doing. Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google, and Facebook all began this way.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
The clash of domains is a particularly fruitful source of ideas. If you know a lot about programming and you start learning about some other field, you'll probably see problems that software could solve.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
Why do so many founders build things no one wants? Because they begin by trying to think of startup ideas. That m.o. is doubly dangerous: it doesn't merely yield few good ideas; it yields bad ideas that sound plausible enough to fool you into working on them.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
Pay particular attention to things that chafe you.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
Empirically, the way to have good startup ideas is to become the sort of person who has them.
Paul Graham • How to Get Startup Ideas
When searching for ideas, look in areas where you have some expertise. If you're a database expert, don't build a chat app for teenagers (unless you're also a teenager). Maybe it's a good idea, but you can't trust your judgment about that, so ignore it. There have to be other ideas that involve databases, and whose quality you can judge. Do you fin... See more