• from How to Do What You Love

    Kang added

  • How to Do Great Work

    by www.paulgraham.com

    1 highlight

    Omar Rizk and added

  • from Attention Required! | Cloudflare

    Hrisikesh Medhi added

  • Steven Schlafman added

  • How to Do Great Work

    by Paul Graham

    17 highlights

    Thumbnail of How to Do Great Work

    Luc Cheung and added

  • from 3-2-1: The beauty of being an amateur, how to respond to a mistake, and finding work that grips your soul

    Natalie Audelo and added

  • from How to Do What You Love

    Kang added

  • from Devote Yourself to the Cause of Your Life

    Britt Gage and added