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How to Build Curation Businesses
Curators, Curators
It has become popular to say we live in the information age, and we need curation to help us sort through the mess. But thus far, the conversation around “curation” has been too focused on the content and not enough on the structure. We seem to have accepted the job of the curator as providing a product review, a list of links, a... See more
It has become popular to say we live in the information age, and we need curation to help us sort through the mess. But thus far, the conversation around “curation” has been too focused on the content and not enough on the structure. We seem to have accepted the job of the curator as providing a product review, a list of links, a... See more
Sari Azout • Re-Organizing the World’s Information: Why We Need More Boutique… — Mirror
Re-Organizing the World’s Information: Why We Need More Boutique… — Mirror
Sari Azoutsariazout.mirror.xyzCurators Are the New Creators. The Business Model of Good Taste | by Gaby Goldberg | Medium
gabygoldberg.medium.comgabygoldberg.medium.comAs the amount of content grows, so does the market for credible curators.
A great case study is Nathan Baschez and Dan Shipper’sEverything Bundle. In April, they decided to offer a bundled version of their newsletters, expecting a few extra subscribers from the experiment. Instead, they grew together from 600 to 1,000 paying subscribers within the ... See more
A great case study is Nathan Baschez and Dan Shipper’sEverything Bundle. In April, they decided to offer a bundled version of their newsletters, expecting a few extra subscribers from the experiment. Instead, they grew together from 600 to 1,000 paying subscribers within the ... See more