• Life After Lifestyle

    by Toby

    32 highlights

    Thumbnail of Life After Lifestyle

    Sterling Proffer and added

  • Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits

    by Debbie Millman

    1 highlight

    Cover of Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits
  • Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World

    by Tyler Cowen

    Cover of Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World
  • Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging

    by Carrie Melissa Jones

    Cover of Building Brand Communities: How Organizations Succeed by Creating Belonging
  • from From Brand Strategy to Brand Anarchy

    Keely Adler added

  • Why Content Is King

    by Nathan Baschez

    8 highlights

    Thumbnail of Why Content Is King

    sari and added

  • from The Fast-Foodification of Everything by Greg Isenberg

    aron added

  • from Fundamentals of modern loyalty by Substack

    Mila Superstar added