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How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
The possibilities for advances such as these are vast. The structure of higher education as it is still largely practiced in America is as old as those Manchester mills, based on a calendar that dates from a time when students had to go home to help with the harvest, and divided into academic disciplines on physical campuses for 18- to 24-year-olds... See more
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
Theirs is not a future of falling enrollment, financial challenges and closing campuses. It’s a brighter world in which students subscribe to rather than enroll in college, learn languages in virtual reality foreign streetscapes with avatars for conversation partners, have their questions answered day or night by A.I. teaching assistants and contro... See more
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
If history is a guide, the flashiest notions being developed in workshops in these places won’t get far. University campuses are like archaeological digs of innovations that didn’t fulfill their promises. Even though the biggest leap forward of the last few decades, for example — delivering courses online — appears to have lowered costs, the gradua... See more
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
The students learn Mandarin Chinese by conversing with A.I. avatars that can recognize not only what they say but their gestures and expressions, all against a computer-generated backdrop of Chinese street markets, restaurants and other scenes. Students in the immersion lab mastered Mandarin about twice as fast as their counterparts in conventional... See more
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
Paying by the month encourages students to move faster through their educations, and most are projected to graduate in 18 months, Mr. Jones said. The subscription model has attracted 47 students so far, he said, with another 94 in the application process.
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
It would include access to a worldwide network of mentors and advisers and “whatever someone needs to do to improve their professional situation or acquire a new skill or get feedback on how things are going.”
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
One of these would transform the way students pay for higher education. Instead of enrolling, for example, they might subscribe to college; for a monthly fee, they could take whatever courses they want, when they want, with long-term access to advising and career help.
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
However they pay for it, future students could find other drastic changes in the way their educations are delivered.
Jon Marcus • How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education (Published 2020)
The I.L.R. would list the specific skills that people have learned — customer service, say, or project management — as opposed to which courses they passed and majors they declared. And it would include other life experiences they accumulated.