[4:50] if you start something but you haven't finished it, there will be a part of your brain that's continuously focusing on that task, and you can use this to your advantage. If there is a huge project, ... it's really good to put a time in your calendar just to remind yourself that this project exists, ... even though I'm not consciously thinkin... See more
[11:24] ...this will be physically blocked into my calendar ... it's not like this ... terrible thing that dictates my life and just schedules all my work things, it's kind of my life on a screen in a positive way, because I can organize it and put in whatever I want.
[2:29] So, the first part of every single day is reserved for activities that are high energy and high temptation. These are the tasks that require a lot of brain power or physical power and also that I can be very easily be tempted to do something else. (High Energy + High Temptation)
[2:11] I keep in mind that I'm going to have less energy throughout the day and things are going to get more and more tempting throughout the day, so it's going to be much harder for me to resist things as the day progresses. Keeping these two things in mind, every single day of my week from a macro standpoint gets divided into three main parts.
[3:04] The second part of the day is reserved for activities which are high energy because I'm still buzzing at this point, and also activities that require a little less resistance to do. (High Energy + Low Temptation)
[10:08] Every morning, I plan something that I will enjoy, so that's usually a slow breakfast by myself for me. But whatever it is, I know that there is going to be planning around this time, this sacred time in the morning that might even be 15 minutes or five minutes, but there is this time, so anything that I will start to schedule in will be af... See more
[6:54] work expands to fill the time that you allocate to it... So what this basically means is if I say that I'm going to write my essay in three weeks or I'm going to write my essay in five months, or I'm going to write my essay in three days, very often, the quality of the work is not going to be too different in these three different forms, so ... See more