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404 Not Found - Portfolio X - Webflow Ecommerce website template
Email was also a channel used to great effect by some of these companies, but I rolled it into referrals. The most notable email campaign was done by Harry’s – but it was largely driven around referrals. I’ll get into that later.
Michael Sutyak • 404 Not Found - Portfolio X - Webflow Ecommerce website template
One interesting thing I discovered was that Google Search Ads were not generally used as a primary strategy of any of the companies I looked into. After mulling on this, I think this largely has to do with the visual nature of these brands and how much importance is placed on getting those visuals across. Search ads also generally don’t get across ... See more
Michael Sutyak • 404 Not Found - Portfolio X - Webflow Ecommerce website template
A large portion of these companies chose niche products (luggage, mattresses, etc..), but tied themselves to a wider theme (travel, sleep, etc…). Organic social and content marketing were the most common “core” channels. Cost-effective, attention grabbing, visual, direct social proof – I’m not surprised that these channels were leaned on.