How Do You Organize 3,000 Books? Touring My Personal Library
Think of the way you organize your library as an artistic endeavor, not just a utilitarian one.
How do you organize your books?
Haphazardly, which is how I believe books wish to be organized
Haphazardly, which is how I believe books wish to be organized
Richard Osman • Richard Osman Has a (Tiny) Bone to Pick With John Grisham
Like Borges’s library, we are tasked with sifting through the internet’s “divine disorder” to find what is worthy of our attention. The question, now, is how to sculpt a better Library of Babel – a better information infrastructure – that lends itself to the advancement of knowledge and wisdom conducive to human flourishing.
Organizing your engine of knowledge and prioritizing your time to use it will keep that valuable content within reach.
Paul Jun • Connect The Dots: Strategies and Meditations On Self-education
what to keep and how to arrange it.
Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths • Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
(5) Commit to finding a way to organize your ideas, thoughts, research, inputs, and content... such that you save time as you publish new work (and so you don't lose ideas or miss important connections between concepts).