Saved by Keely Adler
Hope Beyond Rugged Individualism
Here is where culture enters the picture. I mean“culture” in its anthropological rather than artisticsense. What values and practices can hold people to-gether as the institutions in which they live fragment? My generation suffered from a want of imagination inanswering this question, in advancing the virtues ofsmall-scale community. Co
... See moreRichard Sennett • The Culture of the New Capitalism
The Problem: Heroic Individualism
Heroic individualism is an ongoing game of oneupmanship against both self and others, where measurable achievement is the main arbiter of success and self-worth, and where productivity often gets prioritized over people.
Heroic individualism is an ongoing game of oneupmanship against both self and others, where measurable achievement is the main arbiter of success and self-worth, and where productivity often gets prioritized over people.
Brad Stulberg • The Constant Restlessness You Feel Has a Name
America works best when we work together on big projects. There is a school of thought that cutthroat competition leads to human progress. I found that the opposite was true. The defining event of the 20th century was World War II. The War created a mission that was so important that it rallied an entire society out of Economic Depression and organ... See more