HiTZ/GoLLIE-34B · Hugging Face

sari added

CambioML GitHub - CambioML/uniflow-llm-based-pdf-extraction-text-cleaning-data-clustering: LLM-based text extraction from unstructured data like PDFs, Words and HTMLs. Transform and cluster the text into your desired format. Less information loss, more interpretation, and faster...

kaistAI GitHub - kaistAI/CoT-Collection: [Under Review] The CoT Collection: Improving Zero-shot and Few-shot Learning of Language Models via Chain-of-Thought Fine-Tuning

Prodigy in 2023: LLMs, task routers, QA and plugins · Explosion

Nicolay Gerold added

Giskard-AI GitHub - Giskard-AI/giskard: 🐢 The testing framework for ML models, from tabular to LLMs

langchain-ai langchain-ai/opengpts

cliangyu GitHub - cliangyu/Cola: [NeurIPS2023] Official implementation of the paper "Large Language Models are Visual Reasoning Coordinators"

Testing framework for LLM Part