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Harder than it looks, not as fun as it seems
Most things are harder than they look and not as fun as they seem because the information we’re exposed to tends to be a highlight reel of what people want you to know about themselves to increase their own chances of success. It’s easiest to convince people that you’re special if they don’t know you well enough to see all the ways you’re not. • How People Think
What haven’t I experienced firsthand that leaves me naive to how something works? As Jeff Immelt said, “Every job looks easy when you’re not the one doing it.”
Morgan Housel • I Have A Few Questions
Back to the iceberg: What most of us see most of the time is a fraction of what has actually happened, or what’s going on inside people’s heads. And it’s stripped of all the hard parts. Most things are harder than they look and not as fun as they seem.
Morgan Housel • Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes
What people present to the world is a tiny fraction of what’s going on inside their head. • How People Think
Every job looks easy when you’re not the one doing it because the challenges faced by someone in the arena are often invisible to those in the crowd.
Morgan Housel • The Psychology of Money
Every job looks easy when you’re not the one doing it because the challenges faced by someone in the arena are often invisible to those in the crowd.
Morgan Housel • The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
Most of the time you see someone do something incredible, with what seems like little effort, and you ask “How did you do that?”, the honest answer is, “I’ve been doing this every day for 10+ years.” Noticing patterns and connecting the subtle dots is something that’s hard to teach in a classroom but becomes obvious when you’ve lived and breathed a... See more