Good Strategy Bad Strategy Quotes by Richard P. Rumelt
It is hard to show your skill as a sailor when there is no wind.
Good Strategy Bad Strategy Quotes by Richard P. Rumelt
If you fail to identify and analyze the obstacles, you don’t have a strategy. Instead, you have either a stretch goal, a budget, or a list of things you wish would happen.
Good Strategy Bad Strategy Quotes by Richard P. Rumelt
A hallmark of true expertise and insight is making a complex subject understandable. A hallmark of mediocrity and bad strategy is unnecessary complexity—a flurry of fluff masking an absence of substance
Good Strategy Bad Strategy Quotes by Richard P. Rumelt
At the core, strategy is about focus, and most complex organizations don’t focus their resources. Instead, they pursue multiple goals at once, not concentrating enough resources to achieve a breakthrough in any of them.