God of the Oppressed
It is the ability of black people to express the tragic side of social existence but also their refusal to be imprisoned by its limitations.
James H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. Thro’ many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ’Tis grace hath bro't me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.
James H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
If God is liberating blacks from oppression, why then are they still oppressed? Where is the decisive liberation event in African-American history which gives credibility
James H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
Since whites have been the most violent race on the planet, their theologians and preachers are not in a position to tell black people, or any other people for that matter, what they must do to be like Jesus. This is black common sense theology, which is deeply embedded in the radical side of black religious history and the source out of which blac
... See moreJames H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
Black slaves rejected biblical traditions which whites used to justify slavery—such as the so-called curse of Ham (Gen. 9:24–27), the story of Cain (Gen. 4:1–16), and the sayings that admonished slaves to be obedient to their earthly masters (Eph. 6:5–8, Col. 3:22–25, I Pet. 18–25, I Tim. 6:1–2, Titus 2:9–10, and Philem). They turned instead to the
... See moreJames H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
When the Word is spoken as truth and the people feel the presence of truth in the midst of their troublesome situation, they respond to the preached word by ratifying it with resounding “Amens.” The “Amen” is the congregation's witness to, and participation in, the proclamation. It is their Yes that lets the preacher know that he or she is on the “
... See moreJames H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
Another important theological source of the black experience is the narratives of slaves and ex-slaves, the personal accounts of black people's triumph and defeats.
James H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
Jesus Christ is not a proposition, not a theological concept which exists merely in our heads. He is an event of liberation, a happening in the lives of oppressed people struggling for political freedom. Therefore, to know him is to encounter him in the history of the weak and the helpless.
James H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
White people did everything within their power to define black reality, to tell us who we were—and their definition, of course, extended no further than their social, political, and economic interests. They tried to make us believe that God created black people to be white people's servants. We blacks, therefore, were expected to enjoy plowing thei
... See moreJames H. Cone • God of the Oppressed
people is to relate the story of our mothers’ and fathers’ struggles to our present struggles and thereby create a humane future for our children. We must take the speeches and tales, the blues and the spirituals, the prayers and the sermons of black people and incorporate them into our present existence, relating our parents’ strivings to our dail
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