GitHub - PythonNest/PyNest: PyNest is a Python framework built on top of FastAPI that follows the modular architecture of NestJS

GitHub - PythonNest/PyNest: PyNest is a Python framework built on top of FastAPI that follows the modular architecture of NestJS
Thumbnail of GitHub - PythonNest/PyNest: PyNest is a Python framework built on top of FastAPI that follows the modular architecture of NestJS Intro to Nx | Nx

Jimmy Cerone added

lancedb GitHub - lancedb/vectordb-recipes: High quality resources & applications for LLMs, multi-modal models and VectorDBs

GitHub - nomic-ai/nomic: Interact, analyze and structure massive text, image, embedding, audio and video datasets

Bryn Jackson Team Libraries in Figma

GitHub - Nike-Inc/koheesio: Python framework for building efficient data pipelines. It promotes modularity and collaboration, enabling the creation of complex pipelines from simple, reusable components.

GitHub - urchade/GLiNER: Generalist and Lightweight Model for Named Entity Recognition (Extract any entity types from texts) @ NAACL 2024
Thumbnail of GitHub - urchade/GLiNER: Generalist and Lightweight Model for Named Entity Recognition (Extract any entity types from texts) @ NAACL 2024

BA Builder added

towhee-io GitHub - towhee-io/towhee: Towhee is a framework that is dedicated to making neural data processing pipelines simple and fast.

Min Tian GitHub - zilliztech/feder: Visualize hnsw, faiss and other anns index